Program of study

Course Program

Java starter

  1. Introduction to Java Infrastructure
  2. Machine mathematics. Data Types
  3. Conditional Constructions
  4. Logical Structures
  5. Boolean structures
  6. Methods
  7. Methods (continued)
  8. Arrays

Git – Basics of Git

  1. Git Basics
  2. Publishing a Repository

Java Essential

  1. Introduction to OOP. Classes and objects
  2. Classes and Objects
  3. Inheritance and Polymorphism
  4. Abstract Classes and Interfaces
  5. Lists
  6. Static and nested classes. Anonymous classes and enum types
  7. Exception handling
  8. Class Object
  9. Universal templates
  10. Practice

Java Professional

  1. Iterator & Comparator
  2. Collection Framework
  3. IO & Strings
  4. Regular expressions & Data API
  5. Reflection
  6. Annotations
  7. Serialization XML & JSON
  8. Thread & Runnable. Problems with Threads
  9. Lambda expressions


  1. Introduction to SQL. Basic data manipulation queries
  2. DDL basics
  3. Designing a database
  4. JOIN
  5. Nested queries
  6. Indexing
  7. Stored procedures and functions
  8. Transactions. Triggers

JDBC & Hibernate

  1. Getting to know JDBC. Using MySQL & JDBC
  2. JDBC DAO. Object model representation
  3. Getting started with Hibernate annotations. Mapping concepts and annotations
  4. Hibernate API and JPA API
  5. API Getting Started
  6. Advanced mappings and configurations


  1. Introduction to Web Services. XML
  2. JAXB and JAX-WS
  3. SOAP, WSDL. Handlers
  4. REST web-service. RESTful Concept

Fundamentals of Spring

  1. Introduction to Spring and how it differs from Java EE.
  2. Dependencies implementation and IoC container
  3. Spring Boot
  4. Spring MVC
  5. Spring Data
  6. Spring Testing
  7. AOP and RESTful webservices
  8. Spring Security
  9. Caching

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