
Generating Random Strings: Detailed Explanation 

Generating a random string might seem like a trivial task, but it is essential for various applications, such as creating unique identifiers for bank transactions, generating captchas for automated input prevention, or creating temporary passwords for users during their initial login. Java developers are fortunate to have several methods and libraries available to generate random strings in Java.


In this article, we will explore various approaches using different classes, methods, and Java libraries to generate random strings in Java. We will cover different types of strings, including numeric, alphanumeric, and those containing special characters.

Using Math.random()

The Math class offers a method called Math.random(), which generates a random double number between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. While it may seem like this method only deals with numbers, we can utilize it to create random alphanumeric strings of our desired length.


Here’s an example of using Math.random() to generate an alphanumeric string:


public class RandomStringGenerator {

    static String generate random string(int length) {

        String characters = “ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789”;

        StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(length);

        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {

            int randomIndex = (int) (characters.length() * Math.random());



        return stringBuilder.toString();


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int length = 12; // Change this to the desired length

        String randomString = generateRandomString(length);

        System.out.println(“Random String: ” + randomString);



Using java.util.UUID

The java.util.UUID class provides a method called randomUUID(), which returns a random alphanumeric string of 36 characters. You can remove the hyphens to get a 32-character alphanumeric string.


Here’s an example of using randomUUID():


import java.util.UUID;

public class RandomStringGenerator {

    static String generateRandomString() {

        UUID randomUUID = UUID.randomUUID();

        return randomUUID.toString().replace(“-“, “”);


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String randomString = generateRandomString();

        System.out.println(“Random String: ” + randomString);



Using Apache Commons Lang Library

The Apache Commons Lang library provides the RandomStringUtils class, which offers various methods to generate random strings of different types.


Here are examples of using some of these methods:


  • randomAlphabetic(): Generates a random string containing alphabetic characters;
  • randomNumeric(): Generates a random string containing numeric characters;
  • randomAlphanumeric(): Generates a random string containing alphanumeric characters;
  • random(int length, String characters): Generates a random string based on the characters provided.


To use Apache Commons Lang library, add the following Maven dependency to your project:







Generating Customized Random Strings with Regular Expressions

One of the most flexible ways to generate random strings with specific patterns is by using regular expressions. Java provides the java.util.regex package, which allows you to define regular expression patterns and apply them to generate strings.


Let’s consider an example where you need to generate random strings that represent vehicle registration numbers. In many countries, vehicle registration numbers follow specific formats, such as two letters followed by two digits, a hyphen, and then two more letters (e.g., “AB-12-CD”).


To generate such random vehicle registration numbers, you can create a regular expression pattern that matches the required format and then generate strings based on that pattern.


Here’s a Java example demonstrating this approach:


import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import java.util.regex.Matcher;

import java.util.Random;

public class CustomRandomStringGenerator {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String regexPattern = “[A-Z]{2}-\\d{2}-[A-Z]{2}”;

        Random random = new Random();

        int numberOfStrings = 5; // Change this value to generate more strings

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStrings; i++) {

            StringBuilder generatedString = new StringBuilder();

            Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(regexPattern).matcher(“”);

            while (matcher.find()) {

                String match =;

                for (char c : match.toCharArray()) {

                    if (c == ‘A’) {

                        generatedString.append((char) (random.nextInt(26) + ‘A’));

                    } else if (c == ‘0’) {

                        generatedString.append((char) (random.nextInt(10) + ‘0’));

                    } else {





            System.out.println(“Generated Vehicle Registration Number: ” + generatedString.toString());





In this example, we define the regular expression pattern [A-Z]{2}-\\d{2}-[A-Z]{2}, which matches the desired format. We then use a Random object to generate random characters for each part of the pattern (letters and digits) and replace the corresponding placeholders in the pattern.


By customizing the regular expression pattern and adapting the character generation logic, you can generate random strings that match specific requirements.

Programming on the computer

Comparison Table

Method Complexity Customization Supported Characters Example Output
Math.random() Low Limited Numeric & Alphabetic lq46joFI45y0POU
java.util.UUID Low No Alphanumeric lk324jlk32h5lwuHorewuJH234adsaQf
Java 8 Stream Moderate Moderate Alphanumeric tCh5eb7osOTWY4v
Apache Commons Lang Library Low to High High Customizable OEfaRapxsdoEdIFYTfFm


This table summarizes the complexity of each method, the level of customization it offers, the supported character types, and provides an example output.


Using regular expressions in combination with random character generation provides a powerful way to create random strings tailored to your needs. This approach allows you to generate strings that adhere to specific formats and patterns, making it suitable for various applications, including data generation and testing.


Explore the flexibility of regular expressions in Java for advanced string generation.


  1. Why do I need to generate random strings in Java?

Generating random strings in Java is essential for various applications, such as creating unique identifiers for security, generating CAPTCHA codes, and creating temporary passwords for users. It adds randomness and unpredictability to your data, which is crucial in many scenarios.


  1. Are there different types of random strings I can generate?

Yes, you can generate different types of random strings, including numeric, alphanumeric, and strings with special characters. The choice depends on your specific requirements.


  1. Which method is the simplest for generating random strings?

The Math.random() method is one of the simplest ways to generate random strings. It can be used as a foundation for creating alphanumeric strings with additional code.


  1. How can I generate a random string with a specific length?

You can specify the length of the random string by controlling the number of characters generated. For example, you can use the limit() method when using Java 8 Stream or specify the length when using other methods.

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