
Java Ternary Operator with Examples

This article delves into the Java ternary operator (JTO) and offers various examples of its application. Here’s a concise and structured version of the information presented:

Java Ternary Operator Overview

The JTO is a distinctive feature of the Java language, characterized by its three operands. It can be perceived as an extended version of the if-else operator, specifically designed to return values based on Boolean conditions.


The syntax of the JTO is succinct, characterized by a question mark (?) and a colon (:). Its structure is articulated as follows:

“Comprised of a question mark (?) and a colon (:), the syntax of the Java ternary operator is notably concise.”

Illustration of the if-else Operator Use:


public static void main(String args[]) { int num = 3; if (num % 2 == 0) { System.out.println(“It’s an even number!”); } else { System.out.println(“It’s an odd number!”); } }

Application of the JTO:


public static void main(String args[]) { int num = 3; String msg = (num % 2 == 0) ? “It’s an even number!” : “It’s an odd number!”; System.out.println(msg); }

Nested Ternary Operators

In Java, it’s feasible to amalgamate multiple ternary operators into chains or nestings. However, excessive nesting is typically discouraged due to the potential complexity it can introduce to the code.


In summarizing, the JTO stands as a concise means of expressing conditional operations. It facilitates the creation of more compact and readable code. As a valuable asset in Java development, it simplifies conditional expressions and enhances the clarity of the code.

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